Department of Fundus Issues
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    • English
  • Hotline:0968.115.588

  • The most reliable center with international standards for diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in Vietnam.

    1. Top ophthalmologists with years of experience

    Our professional ophthalmologists are chosen from top hospitals with from 15 up to 30 years of experience. The practicing doctors and other clinic staffs are all chosen and trained carefully through a strict elimination system.

    ▪ Specialist doctor II degree, Doctor Ngoc Minh Bui, Head of Retinopathy division

    ▪ Master of Medicine, Doctor Luc Yen Dinh – Deputy Head of Retinopathy division

    ▪ Master of Medicine, Doctor Anh Doan – Specialist doctor of diabetic retinopathy 2. Diagnosis and treatment system Diagnosis equipment: ▪ VISUCAM® 500 features ZEISS optics and non-mydriatic color fundus photography enabling you to photograph through pupils as small as 3.3mm. ▪ Optical Coherence Tomography CIRRUS HD-OCT is equipped with GPA software for detection of glaucoma progression. Clinicians can quantitatively assess images and look for disease progression in the RNFL and in the optic disc.

    ▪ CARA (Computer Assisted Retina Analysis) is a teleophthalmology platform which combines advanced retinal imaging with clinical image interpretation services performed by a network of ophthalmologists

    ▪ FORUM CarlZeiss facilitates clinical case visualization by preparing ophthalmic data and images. Treatment equipment:

    ▪ The VISULAS® 532s is a powerful, diode-pumped solid-state laser. Its built-in thermoelectric cooling system ensures an excellent temporal stability of the laser power and thus meets the requirements for reproducible clinical results.

    ▪ The Valon 5G photocoagulator is designed to fit the needs and budget of all kinds of clinics while maintaining all Valon’s unique technical features. 5G also allows add-on of LIO and endo-probes.

    3. Professional treatment procedure Our professional procedures strictly follow international standards with the purpose of bringing the best experience to our patients. Our procedure works as the following frame:

    ▪ Patients have a consultation with our top specialist doctors of eye diseases.

    ▪ We perform full tests of all eyes condition symptoms including vision test, ocular tension, X-ray, OCT, dilated fundus photography, diabetic retinopathy test, etc.

    ▪ Our doctors determine the results and what should be done to improve the situation safely.

    ▪ We set up digital records and treatment plans for patient per request

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    Copyright 2023 International Eye Hospital | All right reserved. Address: 128 Bùi Thị Xuân Str, Hà Nội.

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