Department of Cataract Treatments
    • Tiếng Việt
    • English
  • Hotline:0968.115.588

  • International Eye Hospital – DND is the leading center in the Northern area of Vietnam in the field of cataract surgeries. Our foundation is built thanks to top eye surgeons along with a very reliable system as well as top equipment widely used in the international centers all over the world. 1. Top eye surgeons with many years of experience

    Our ophthalmologists are from Vietnamese top hospitals with over 15 years of experience. The practicing doctors are all chosen and trained carefully through a strict elimination system.  

    General director of the hospital – Doctor Dung Dang Nguyen – Head of Surgery Division.

    Master of Medicine, Doctor Quynh Dang Thi Nhu – Deputy Head of Surgery Division.

    2. Diagnosis and treatment system

     Diagnosis equipment: VISUCAM 500 – a compact professional, non-mydriatic fundus camera displaying eyeground, CIRRUS HD-OCT – Optical Coherence Tomography; The E-Z Scan AB5500 – a combination digital A-scan and B-scan system; The ZEISS IOLMaster® 500 – the gold standard in optical biometry; CARA – a teleophthalmology platform which combines advanced retinal imaging with clinical image interpretation services performed by a network of ophthalmologists; FORUM® facilitates clinical case visualization by preparing ophthalmic data and images.

     Treatment equipment: Our system is equipped with the top medical machines which allow our doctors to adjust the treatment in accordance with each patient’s condition seamlessly and safely: The LAUREATE®’s molded (rigid) fluidic paths provide decreased infusion resistance and improved aspiration compliance; Faros; Nidek, especially the CENTURION® Vision System, the Only Intelligent Phacoemulsification Technology Designed to Optimize Cataract Surgery.

    Control equipment: CarlZeiss LSM 700 which helps surgeons to view assistance information in their surgical field and control those from the foot control panel of the surgical microscope implanted with ZEISS CALLISTO eye® which improves precise and premium IOL surgery. This was designed for ease of use when investigating complex phenomena in treatment.

    3. Artificial Intraocular Lenses with top quality

    Our hospital offers artificial intraocular lenses from top brands with a great reputation such as: Alcon, Carl Zeiss, Hoya… We offer a large variety of artificial lens that can help patients improve their vision issue the most from the monofocal lens, multifocal lenses, astigmatic lenses, accommodating lenses, aspheric lenses, monovision…

    4. Service packages

    Patients have various options to choose: + The standard and most affordable surgery package. + The customized surgery package: time and surgeon are decided by patient’ request. + Patient can get eye surgery without the presence of any relative.

    Patients have options to get benefits from health insurance as well as other standard life insurances. ‘

     Our hospital also offers Family Package which can be applied for patients’ families and relatives per their requests.

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