What is tumor in eye socket?

For those who are unfortunate enough to have orbital tumors, they need to be examined and treated soon. Because the disease has a high risk of causing damage to nerves and blood vessels around the eyes, causing vision loss, even blindness and reduced life expectancy.

What is an eye socket? 

Orbital tumor is the appearance of a strange tumor in the orbit of the eye bone. Tumors can be benign or malignant.

  • Types of tumors that may occur in young children: rhabdomyoblastoma, retinoblastoma, fibrous histiocytoma.
  • Types of tumors that may occur in adult patients: meningiomas, neuromas, gliomas, osteomas, hemangiomas and lymphoma, sarcoma that grows from tissue or muscle.

U-eye socket has two types, benign and malignant

Orbital tumors have two types: benign and malignant

benign orbital tumor:

This is the common type when patients are found to have unusual tumor in the eye socket. The most common benign tumor is cavernous hemangioma, which is common in young and middle-aged patients. For patients who are children, most orbital tumors are benign, however, parents should not be subjective, what should be done right away is to take your child to the doctor right away so that the baby’s eyesight is protected.< /span>

Malignant orbital tumor:

In the case of malignant orbital tumor, the symptoms are very obvious, the patient will have orbital pain, feeling extremely painful, the speed of metastasis is fast and the treatment method at this time will be surgery.

Symptoms of orbital tumors


This is considered the first and common symptom of orbital tumors. With benign tumors, patients often have discreet protrusion, slow growth rate. In contrast, with melanoma, the protrusion progresses very rapidly.

The location of the tumor can be determined by the protrusion of the eye. By evaluating the direction of the convexity or deviation of the eyeball, the doctor can determine the relative position from the map that predicts the cause of the tumor.

With some exceptions, tumors tend to take up space and push the eyeball backward. Typically a tumor in the lacrimal gland, at this time the tumor tends to push the eyeball downward and inward. The eyeball was protruding along the longitudinal axis before the patient had a visual field neuroma.



Severely impaired vision:

Another important sign that helps doctors distinguish the primary tumor is severe visual impairment, caused by the tumor will adversely affect the optic nerve.

Patients with meningioma pressing on the optic nerve can significantly reduce the patient’s vision or, at worst, cause permanent blindness. far.

Tumors outside the oculomotor axis affect vision only when the tumor size is large enough to cause compression of the optic nerve.</ span>


Where the malignant orbital tumor has metastasized or is in rapid progression, The patient will have pain in the eye socket and the frequency of the pain will increase much at night. Migraine headaches can also occur when the patient feels pain in the eye socket.

benign orbital tumor will not cause pain to the patient, even if the patient has Feel the tightness in the eye area.

Double look:

Double vision occurs in one-quarter of patients with orbital tumors. Diplopia can be caused by tumor infiltrating the nerve fibers that supply the oculomotor muscles, usually occurring in patients with malignant or metastatic orbital tumors. In addition, the spatial limitation of the oculomotor organs or the volume of the tumor causes misalignment.

Few patients with orbital tumors will have double vision

Few patients with orbital tumors will have double vision

Other symptoms:

  • Eyes prone to inflammation, congestion;
  • Loop;
  • Mydriasis;
  • Swollen eyelids.

Treatment of orbital tumors

The benign tumor in the early stage has no symptoms and the tumor size is small, at this time no intervention is needed. Patients need to go to the doctor and check and monitor their eyes periodically until the eyes show symptoms and deformities, and the doctor will appoint surgery to remove the tumor.

Orbital tumor surgery:

Without the support of high-tech machines, orbital tumor surgery is a treatment method by opening the skull cap (incision at the site). keyhole or forehead area). This method has many disadvantages such as leaving large incisions, taking a long time to operate and patients having a high risk of complications.

With the development of science and technology, today the form of endoscopic nasal surgery has been applied to surgery to treat orbital tumors. The method brings advantages such as fast implementation, less pain, low cost, no bad scarring, reduced recovery time after surgery and less risks and complications after surgery.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for orbital tumors:

Surgery is an interventional and radical treatment method for benign tumors, however, for malignant tumors, in addition to disease surgery Patients must also combine with other treatments for the best treatment results.

  • Chemotherapy: Surgery and a combination of drugs to destroy cancer cells and slow their growth. The combination of treatment measures will bring high efficiency, patients can prolong life and quality of life;
  • Radiotherapy: This method helps destroy cells, destroys cancer tissue, thereby killing all cancer cells. This method will use radiation to direct the disease tissue.

Orbital tumor is really dangerous, so through this article, I hope you have enough information about the above medical condition to keep your eyes healthy

Customers wishing to examine eye diseases at International Eye Hospital DND, please contact Hotline 0969.128.128 – 0968.11.55.88.

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